Pengen Bisa

by Youth Training Center



Want to Be is one of the Youth Training Center Indonesia part of start-up based on human resource development as a solution in the face of the industrial revolution 4.0 by providing Job Skill Training and links to the younger generation so that it can reduce and overcome the youth unemployment rate in Indonesia. At present the number of youth reaches 63.36 million. But the problem is that a large number of 19.19% still do not have a job and 42.32% of you young people only work as operators and unskilled workers (Badan Pusat Statistik, 2017). This large number is certainly the root cause is the quality of resources that are still low. Based on data from BAPPENAS that the Indonesian Human Capital Index is currently at 87th out of 154 countries. This was also reinforced by the Indonesian Employers Association which explained that now and in the next 10 years 60% of Indonesian workers need skills and expertise training.Seeing this, Want to provide various forms of applicable learning and training, both hard and soft skills training, entrepreneurship and work placement in collaboration with MSMEs and regional and national companies in order to improve the quality of human resources, open employment and realize the independence of Indonesian youth. Thats all YTC Indonesia wants to realize because its vision is "Empowering Youth for Success" to bring generations to the success they dream of.